Thursday, February 11, 2010

MAN GOD'S HANDIWORK - மனிதன் தேவனுடைய கரத்தின் கிரியை

Here I am going to share my own experience I had with the Lord after I was saved by the Lord (Jesus Christ) through conviction of the Holy Spirit by the Word of God (Bible). After I was saved from my former manner of life I could not accept the so called scientific facts touching the subject header because the Spirit with which I was endued is not only convicted me as to what I was; but enlighten me to a great extent.

We have three sons. We regard them “Reward from the Lord” and “God’s Heritage are they”. Hence it is essential to bring them in the FEAR of the Lord and the teaching of the Word of God. That’s what Abraham case was and that’s how our Lord thought about Abraham.
One day after my eldest son was back from the school (I forgot the age and the STD at which he was), had his meal and sat on the table and pulled out his book and started studying. I also stayed close by, then. What I overheard while he was by-hearting the lesson was this “MAN IS ALSO ANIMAL”. I could not accept it in my spirit and I was frustrated too because I was not in a position to answer him that we are not animal or rather clearly explain him to refute that kind of statement. But at once I told my son to close that book and stop studying and change to some other subject. I told him again, please go and tell your teacher that “we are not animal”. Even if she fails to give mark for that is OK I said. I had no clear straight forward explanation to support we are not animal. But my son sincerely obeyed and politely wound up and shifted to something else.

During the course of time, one day I knelt down with the Bible for my daily reading and meditation. That day’s Scripture portion is from Matthew 6:25-34 which has a heading as “Do not worry”. Having read that passage once again as I was pondering over it the Lord convicted me and took me in a different way. You can also listen to the video clip at the top touching the same passage. Having been convicted, the Lord told me now go and talk to your son. It is not only to my son. But to whomever I come across in my walk of life.

First Encounter with Two Mothers on this Subject (Case History):

I came across two mothers of my age talking about their children on the same subject (one a Christian and the other of different faith), but they both accepted the statement “that man is animal” because it is Science and their children have to study the way they are taught and need to get high marks. But I wanted to check. So wittingly, humorously I just called them with a low voice “hey animals” to see if they are OK with that in their spirit. To my surprise both of them furiously with the angry face started fighting back saying, "how can you call us animal". But  I stayed quiet with the laughter within. Now I know people though they can’t accept within themselves as animal in their spirit; simply they get along with the flow for the sake of what; I do not know. I sincerely conclude this is nothing but blind folding by the Devil.

Second Encounter – A Young Professor on The Pulpit (case history):

Again I heard a young professor as he was preaching on the pulpit during the course of his sermon/teaching he said, his son came back from the school and ask him, "Daddy are we animal", that’s what he was taught in the school. Unfortunately I too do not have any answer to my son and I simply told him we are not animal, said He.

Now, can we turn to the passage from the Scripture? Matthew 6:25-34

Mat 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Mat 6:26 Behold the FOWLS (BIRDS) OF THE AIR: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Mat 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Mat 6:28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the LILIES OF THE FIELD, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

Mat 6:29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Mat 6:30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Mat 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

Mat 6:32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

Mat 6:33 But SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Mat 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Animal Kingdom

As Jesus Christ was preaching and teaching the listeners (receivers of the message) around Him, He says, behold (leave aside everything) and look up. He is drawing their attention to the least of the animals that belong to the Animal Kingdom, the birds of the air. Again He says ARE YOU NOT MUCH BETTER THAN THEY? Otherwise, He says were you not created a higher order of being? So do not worry about your food. They sow not; neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. How much more sure that you shall be taken care?

Plant Kingdom

Secondly, Jesus Christ is calling His audience to the surrounding environment (look around) and pointing at the least of the plants and trees that belong to the Plant Kingdom the lilies of the field. Then the Lord differentiates here when the least of such things are clothed better than Solomon in all his glory why do you worry.

Kingdom of God

Finally after expounding everything Jesus Christ is taking them to the highest ORDER and asking them to put something as priority and commanding all to “SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD” and His righteousness. Mankind basically and fundamentally belongs to the Kingdom of God. The first parents were created in the image of God and created as male and female. Because of deception (disobedience) and transgression.
Division of all that have Life

Everything that has life breath, multiply (give birth), and grow and many more things are common, yet God put them into three separate groups or Kingdoms: we can call these as we see below.

1) Plant Kingdom (Which have only material body) in it has the life, seed etc
2) Animal Kingdom (Which has material flesh body unlike plants and trees and also the soul. It can think, decide and act emotionally)
3) God’s Kingdom (Herein Mankind fits, because Bible says man was created in the IMAGE of GOD. We are image bearer of God. Man lost his glory at fall through Adam and eve.) The Kingdom that was lost then is given back in Christ Jesus that is why Christ Jesus is commanding us to SEEK that which was lost.
When mankind fell by sin everything was affected. In fact God is going to create New Heaven and Earth wherein the righteousness dwells. Out of all that God created mankind is the only supreme handiwork of God was given His Image. Man looks one but he is three in one. He has a SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY (1Thes 5:23 and Heb 4:12). Man is the only moral spiritual and physical being who is held responsible for his actions.

Now let us move to Genesis (The 1st book of the Word of God) the creation account. Here we find clearly:

Gen 1:11-12 - The Plant Kingdom was brought Forth, on the 3rd Day. God found it was good.

Gen 1:20-23 - The Animal Kingdom (the water borne & air borne) was brought forth on the 5th Day and God found it was good. And again in

Gen 1:24-25 - The Animal Kingdom (Land animals) was brought forth and God found it was good.

Gen 1:26-28 - God created in His image MAN to rule everything that were created thus far and that is God’s Kingdom not animals. Mankind was created to bear the image of God and to rule everything He had created.
In chapter two we find the making (not creating) of everything including animal. Here too God handled the first man Adam in very different way. He fashioned with his own Hand and blew into his nostril the breath of life unlike animal.

So, Bible very clearly explain without doubt that there are three kingdoms

1. Plant Kingdom (possess only material BODY yet has life in it)
2. Animal Kingdom (possess flesh BODY and SOUL having life)
3. God’s Kingdom (possess flesh BODY unlike animal, SOUL and SPIRIT having life.)
Man had two kinds of LIFE, one is life that is in the blood (Lev 17:11) and the other one is God Spirit (Zoe) (John 6:63; Rom 8:9-10; Gen 2:7; Rom 8:2; 1Co 15:45; 2Co 3:6; Gal 5:25; 1Pe 3:18) to commune with God (Romans 8:15-16). So man was given God’s Spirit or Spirit of Christ or the Holy Spirit to indwell in him first, which he did forgo at fall.

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